Maritime Jobs

IBU Job Information
The Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific maintains regional hiring halls and dispatch services. Most jobs posted by the union require a Merchant Mariners Credential (MMC) and a TWIC (Transportation Worker's Identification Credential), as well as experience working aboard vessels, however some entry level positions are available. We also have shoreside positions in Washington State Ferry that do not require an MMC.
Tongue Point Seamanship Program
If you are between 17 and 24 years of age the union refers applicants to the Tongue Point Seamanship Program in Astoria Oregon. The program is run by Job Corps, and students receive free housing and tuition. The program is 17 to 24 months long, and at completion students are qualified with an Able Bodied Seaman document or Designated Duty Engineer document.
Seamanship Training Program at Tongue Point
Tongue Point Seamanship Training Center Seattle Maritime Academy Youth Maritime Training Association Compass Courses Fremont Maritime Training Hazwoper Cert 1 Hazwoper Cert 2 USCG Licensing/Exam Center Information
Seattle Dispatch Hall
Puget Sound Region IBU-Employer Hiring Dispatch Service IBU-Employer Hiring & Dispatch Service 1711 West Nickerson Street Suite “D” Seattle Washington 98119 Office Hours 8:30AM – 4:30PM 206-284-5040 Fax 206-284-5043 Register for Marine Towing Jobs* (dispatches only in Spring/Summer, April-September) – Chief Engineer (CE Limited/Oceans, OICEW/RFPEWpreferred) – Deckhand Engineer (QMED/Oiler, RFPEW preferred) – AB/Oiler – AB/Tankerman…
2020 WA State Ferries Hiring Opportunities
WA STATE FERRIES’ 2020 HIRING OF AB AND OS DECKHANDS closed on December 31st, with a brief re-opening that closed March 9 2020. HIRING FOR TERMINAL PERSONNEL HAS NOT YET OPENED. The IBU represents 3 departments at WSF: Deck, Terminal, and Information (ferry customer service). For opportunities with other departments of the Ferries (e.g. engine room, wheelhouse, trades, etc.)…
Entry Level IBU positions – Alaska Marine Highway System
The AMHS is now hiring entry level IBU positions in the Passenger Services Department. Please go to the AMHS website to apply. (Below is from the AMHS job announcement, July 10, 2018): Passenger Services We are always looking for talented candidates to join the Passenger Services department to kick start their marine career. The primary…
Maritime & Environmental Courses: April-June 2019
Please go the IBU So. California Region’s web page for the September to December 2018 Schedule of Maritime and Environmental Courses sponsored by the IBU Joint Apprenticeship Committee of Southern California, e.g. Able Seaman, Lifeboat, Tank Barge, Confined Space Entry, Radar Observer, and more! Note: The program’s contact information is on the attached flyer on…